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please stand by hey folks!we're back! that's right, friday DNN is back with vengeance,so run out and tell everybody,cause thing...

Friday, January 15, 2016

We Whip too much

Hey, folks! Guess what today is? It's Friday! That's right, the weekend is knocking on your door. So, what are you waiting for? Answer it, man! Lol.
Let all the stress from the week melt away; it's time to get turned up in this piece! Cue the music, maestro. Now, let's dance! Yeah!!
Speaking of dancing, a recent video of a (goofy-looking) teacher doing a jig with students went viral, melting the hearts on Black Twitter as well as other social media outlets. We bigged up and gushed all over him as he "whipped the nae nae" and distracted the kids whose distracting video distracted most of us from the things that we shouldn't be distracted from... Do I smell Teacher of the Year? Just saying...
Well, that's it for now. We'll see you on the other side. So, from all of us here at DNN, peace out!

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