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please stand by hey folks!we're back! that's right, friday DNN is back with vengeance,so run out and tell everybody,cause thing...

Friday, March 8, 2013

just chill'in

hey folks it's Friday!!!!!!!
well it's March,and believe it or not spring is around the corner,the ground hog called for it's early return, but in some parts of the country,seems old man winter is still fighting to hold on.(stubborn ole coot.)

anyways we'll make this short and sweet,DNN is still the greatest network of all time, bary huggs is a straight up "g",chuck johnson is a smooth operator,and tiny butterfield is,is, well, she's just white,but with all
of their powers combined,it's like freak'n Voltron folks!!!!(if you're not a comic book geek,from the 80's please google for reference.) 

so let's all watch in astonishment as the crew protect the universe and bring you the news that you can use.lol
i think that's enough rambling for today,so until next  friday, all of us here at the station,we say

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